Learning-focused Supervision, 2nd Edition

This comprehensive second edition of our best-selling book presents practical resources and thoughtful approaches for structuring growth-promoting supervisory interactions with teachers. This learning guide presents time efficient templates and tools for both novice and experienced supervisors seeking to productively influence teachers’ problem-solving, decision-making, and instructional skills. It is filled with strategies and structures for developing and refining supervisory skills for sharing standards-based, data-rich feedback in ways that increase teachers’ receptivity for receiving and internalizing that feedback.

A field-tested Continuum of Interaction for organizing productive learning focused conversations with teachers is at the center of this work. Skillful navigation of this continuum allows supervisors to move from calibrating conversations (applying learning and teaching standards as the focal points for addressing performance gaps), to consulting (sharing expertise and providing technical assistance), to collaborating (a balanced sharing of planning and problem solving), to coaching (nonjudgmental interactions that support reflection and develop professional capacities in teachers).

You will find templates for structuring planning, reflecting and problem-solving conversations with teachers across a range of instructional experience and skill. It also includes expert tips, and a variety of guided exercises, downloadable learning activities and self-assessment forms. Links to video illustrations are cross-referenced to enhance your learning and connection making.

Laura Lipton & Bruce Wellman
ISBN 9781962188432

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