Director, Founding Partner
Laura is an international consultant whose writing, research, keynotes, and seminars focus on effective and innovative instructional practices and on building professional and organizational capacities for enhanced learning. Laura engages with school districts, public and independent schools, departments of education and international agencies designing and conducting workshops on organizational and group development, learning-focused instruction, literacy development and growth oriented supervisory and mentoring practices. She applies her extensive experience with professional learning to workshops and seminars conducted globally on topics including learning-focused relationships, data-driven dialogue, teacher leadership, building professional community, developing high-performing teams, action research, and learning-focused mentoring.
Laura is author and co-author of numerous publications related to organizational and professional development. Laura considers her experience orchestrating an open classroom for first/second graders, directing a K-12 Reading Lab, and providing Related Academics on a large vocational education high school campus to be among the highlights of her professional career. Presently, she lives in Northern Vermont, communing with nature and her yellow lab, Bodhi.
Selected publications include:
- Data Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry (with Bruce Wellman)
- Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning-focused Relationships (with Bruce Wellman)
- Groups at Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning (with Bruce Wellman)
- How to Talk So Teachers Listen (with Bruce Wellman, Educational Leadership)
- More Than 100 Ways to Learner-centered Literacy (Corwin Press)
- Shifting Rules, Shifting Roles: Transforming the Work Environment to Support Learning; (with Arthur Costa and Bruce Wellman,NSDC)
- Organizational Learning: The Essential Journey (with Robert Melamede)